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Principal Investigator
Yang Zhao
Nanjing Medical University
Position Title
Head of the Biostatistics Department
About this CDAS Project
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Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Sep 28, 2022
Machine Learning Models for Image-Based Diagnosis and Prognosis of Cancer
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or nearly one in six deaths. The most common cancers are breast, lung, colon and rectum, and prostate cancers. Despite many efforts to control the risk and death from the disease, the global burden of cancer remains large. In order to reduce the burden on the health care system and provide the best possible care for patients, accurate and timely diagnosis and effective prognosis of cancer is important and necessary. Moreover, early diagnosis of the disease helps health care providers prevent delays in providing the best possible treatment.

Medical image is an image that reflects the internal structure of the human body and is one of the main basis of modern medical diagnosis. Machine learning is a popular method of data analytics that uses different learning algorithms to teach computers to learn from data for performing related tasks. Numerous studies have suggested the use of machine learning techniques in the diagnosis of diseases. We hope to use machine learning algorithms to train the images to find lesions, improve diagnostic accuracy, prognosis effectiveness and reduce the burden on the health care system for cancer.

The aim of this study is to use machine learning algorithms to train the images to help with early and timely diagnosis, minimize prolonged diagnosis, strengthen diagnostic accuracy and prognosis effectiveness, and improve the overall health care of cancer.


Dongfang You, Nanjing Medical University
Xin Chen, Nanjing Medical University
Jiawei Zhou, Nanjing Medical University
Yaqian Wu, Nanjing Medical University
Yingdan Tang, Nanjing Medical University
Zhongtian Wang, Nanjing Medical University
Yina Chen, Nanjing Medical University
Junjie Wang, Nanjing Medical University
Zhenge Yao, Nanjing Medical University
Yi Zhou, Nanjing Medical University
Ziyu Zhao, Nanjing Medical University
Sina Wang, Nanjing Medical University