Development and evaluation of combined cancer screening strategies for high-risk populations of Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancers
Principal Investigator
Huang Yubei
Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital
Position Title
Research Associate
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Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jan 13, 2022
Development and evaluation of combined cancer screening strategies for high-risk populations of Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancers
Although several high-level evidences support that cancer screening could avoid nearly 20% of cancer mortality, most current cancer screening program just focus on screening one cancer but not jointly screening of multiple cancers. The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial was the only one trial chosen the all-versus-none design, in which participants were randomized to one of two arms. One arm served as the control group, while all four cancers were screening in the other arm. This design is expected to be very cost-effective for multiple cancer screening in areas or countries with low resources. For example, in China, due to several objective reasons, such as the large coverage of population, inaccessibility of cancer screening equipment, the lack of insurance coverage, and the lack of professional screening technicians, it is unsustainable for Chinese government to conduct whole-population based multiple cancers screening program. In contrast, screening strategy targeted at high-risk population of multiple cancers would be more feasible in these countries with low resource. Moreover, combined screening of multiple cancers would avoid repeated investment of limited resources on cancer screening and probably avoid missed diagnosis of non-target cancers. Combined screening of multiple common cancers based on high-risk populations of these target cancers would be the best or cost-effective option for these countries with low resource. However, there is no research to explore the effect of combined screening of multiple cancers in one trial with the all-versus-none design. Moreover, there is also no research focus on how to determine the high-risk group of multiple cancers, or the high-risk group of pan-cancer.
Therefore, in this study, based on the all-versus-none design within the PLCO trial, we aimed to evaluate the screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening of Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancers. Moreover, based on all incidence cancers in PLCO trial, we will develop a cancer risk prediction model to identify high-risk groups of four screening-target cancers or pan-cancer. Finally, we will evaluate whether screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening in pan-cancer high-risk groups is better than those of in whole population.
Therefore, in this study, based on the all-versus-none design within the PLCO trial, we aimed to evaluate the screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening of Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancers. Moreover, based on all incidence cancers in PLCO trial, we will develop a cancer risk prediction model to identify high-risk groups of four screening-target cancers or pan-cancer. Finally, we will evaluate whether screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening in pan-cancer high-risk groups is better than those of in whole population.
1) To evaluate the screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening of Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancers.
2) To develop a cancer risk prediction model to identify high-risk groups of four screening-target cancers or pan-cancer.
3) To evaluate whether screening effectiveness of combined cancer screening in pan-cancer high-risk groups is better than those of in whole population.
4) Combine with genotype data from dbGaP to better screening strategies for high-risk group of common cancers.
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