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Principal Investigator
Clara Bodelon
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
May 30, 2012
Serial patterns of transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) and CA-125 levels and risk of ovarian cancer
Screening with transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) in combination with CA-125 serum levels using fixed cut-offs did not reduce ovarian cancer mortality compared to observation without screening in the PLCO screening trial. We propose to evaluate several unstudied issues that might provide additional information upon these results. First, non-visualization of the ovaries occurred in approximately 50% of TVU scans. It is unknown whether women with no visualized ovaries have a different risk profile than those whose ovaries are visualized in TVU scans. We propose to investigate whether visualization leads to a lower risk of ovarian cancer. Second, we propose to explore the relationship of serial TVUs and CA-125, combine both measurements in a single score, and determined its association with the risk of ovarian cancer.

The specifics aims of this proposal are: To test whether serial patterns of visualization are associated with risk of ovarian cancer. To compare the distributions of CA-125 levels for women with visualized and non-visualized ovaries. To assess serial changes in ovarian volume, as well as the width, height, and thickness, and CA-125 levels as markers of ovarian cancer risk. To develop a score that combines TVU and CA-125 measurements and test their association with the risk of ovarian cancer. If such a score is promising, we will investigate the performance of a model containing this using ROC curves and assess the interval for which the diagnosis might be advanced.


Amanda Black (NCI, DCEG)

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