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Principal Investigator
Martin Tammemagi
Brock University / Henry Ford Health System
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Feb 2, 2012
Relative survival (excess mortality) of individuals diagnosed with lung cancer in the PLCO Trial
The general aim of this study is to evaluate the relative survival of individuals diagnosed with lung cancer, corrected for the effect of other causes of death by utilizing patients' expected "survival" given national age-, sex-, race/ethnicity-, and year-specific mortality rates. The relative survival (excess mortality) will be compared between PLCO and NLST control and intervention arms. Recently developed statistical approaches will be applied to achieve study goals. The parallel study in the NLST has been approved and data are being prepared for delivery by IMS.

The primary study aim is to estimate mortality rates in lung cancer patients relative to the general US national population adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity and calendar year , and to do so stratified by PLCO and NLST trial arms. A secondary study aim is to estimate overall mortality rates in the PLCO control arm relative to those in the general US population adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity and calendar year. This will serve as an estimator of the impact of participation bias and socioeconomic status on health. This later analysis will be further evaluted stratified by estimators of SES, such as education and income (taken from the supplemental questionnaire), to see if any existing differences in overall mortality decline in PLCO participants in lower SES strata.