Risk factors for second cancers among colorectal cancer survivors in a cohort consortium
1. To evaluate the utility of prospective cohort studies to examine risk factors for second primary cancers, particularly factors for which data is available from post-baseline follow-up assessments. 2. To examine overweight/obesity as a risk factor for subsequent primary cancers overall, for obesity-related cancers, and for specific cancers such as metachronous colorectal, breast, endometrial, esophageal, liver, prostate, and kidney, among colorectal cancer survivors. 3. To examine the association between aspirin/NSAID use and risk of subsequent primary cancers, overall and particularly for metachronous colorectal, breast, ovarian, prostate, stomach, and esophageal, among colorectal cancer survivors. 4. To assess changes among colorectal cancer survivors in body mass index and/or use of aspirin/NSAIDS between baseline questionnaires and follow-up questionnaires in each cohort and to assess the association between changes over time and subsequent cancer risk. 5. To assess whether associations between overweight/obesity or aspirin/NSAID use and a second primary cancer among colorectal cancer survivors differ from associations between the same risk factors and a first primary cancer in the cohort.
Demetrius Albanes (NCI-DCEG)
Amanda Black (NCI-DCEG)
Joseph Fraumeni Jr. (NCI-DCEG)
Josh Sampson (NCI-DCEG)
Lindsay Morton (NCI-DCEG)
Yikyung Park (NCI-DCEG)
Rochelle Curtis (NCI-DCEG)
Kim Robien (University of Minnesota)
Sara Schonfeld (NCI-DCEG)
Meredith Shiels (NCI - DCEG)