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Principal Investigator
Varut Vardhanabhuti
M.D., Ph.D
The University of Hong Kong
Position Title
Clinical Assistant Professor
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jan 5, 2022
Chest Radiograph And Pathologic Phenotype For Biological Age Prediction Using Deep Learning – Training and Validation in Chinese Patients
A deep learning approach as applied to medical imaging (e.g. radiological images and histopathology slides) has huge potential for diagnostic and prognostic prediction of diseases. In this study, we will use the PLCO datasets for training a deep learning model using chest radiograph to predict biological age, and validate on a local dataset of Chinese patients in Hong Kong. In patients with histopathology slides, we will train a new ‘CancerAge’ model which is a new concept for predicting cancer severity based on histopathology slides. This proof of concept will be applied to 2 cancers, namely lung and breast cancer patients.

1. To develop a deep learning model using chest radiograph for the prediction of biological age.
2. To develop a deep learning model using pathology slides for the prediction of cancer age.
3. To combine and chest radiograph and pathology information i.e. “rad-path Age model’ to create a combined model for prognostication.
4. To explore generalizability in Chinese patients using local validation datasets in Hong Kong.
