Recruitment of Minorities in the PLCO Trial
The study will describe the special minority recruitment efforts undertaken by screening centers. It will analyze minority enrollment by screening center and compare these enrollments to the overall population of age-eligibles in the catchment areas of the centers. It will examine the demographic and medical history profiles of whites and minority groups in PLCO and compare these to national statistics for these groups.
Ed Gamito (University of Colorado)
John Gohagan (Division of Cancer Prevention)
Lois Lamerato (Henry Ford Health System)
Marvella Ford (Henry Ford Health System)
Pam Marcus (Division of Cancer Prevention)
Sally Tenorio (University of Colorado)
Sheryl Ogden (University of Colorado)
Vicki Jenkins (PHRI)
Enrollment of racial and ethnic minorities in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial.
Pinsky PF, Ford M, Gamito E, Higgins D, Jenkins V, Lamerato L, Tenorio S, Marcus PM, Gohagan JK
J Natl Med Assoc. 2008 Mar; Volume 100 (Issue 3): Pages 291-8 PUBMED