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Principal Investigator
Gurudatta Naik
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Position Title
Scientist 1
About this CDAS Project
NLST (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Oct 13, 2017
Racial disparities in outcomes in patients undergoing screening and treatment for Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the highest cause of mortality and morbidity among cancer patients. it is highly associated with smoking and currently there are no screening guidelines established for lung cancer. With improved treatment options, the overall survival is improved in these patients and as such it is important to study outcomes and various factors in cancer survivors.
We would like to explore disparities based on race in the outcomes to screening, diagnosis, management and outcomes of treatment and explore various methods of matching by propensity, covariate adjustment and coarsened exact matching techniques to compare difference in outcomes. We will also conduct mediation analysis to explore role of race in the association between smoking and outcomes like mortality, progression and time to treatment from screening.

Aim 1: We will study association of race with disparities in outcomes and how this disparities changes after matching patients with demographic, clinical presentation and treatment options.
Aim 2: Explore difference in outcomes based on race, by studying propesnity score matching, coarsened exact matching and covariate adjustment
Aim 3: Study mediation analysis studying role of race in the association between smoking and outcomes like mortality, progression and time to treatment from screening.


Ninad Chaudhary, MD, MPH