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The following LSS dataset(s) are available for delivery on CDAS. For each dataset, a Data Dictionary that describes the data is publicly available. In order to obtain the actual data in SAS or CSV format, you must begin a data-only request. Data will be delivered once the project is approved and data transfer agreements are completed.

Datasets and Data Dictionaries

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 44.2 KB)
1. The LSS Feasibility Complications Data dataset contains codes, study year, dates and descriptions of individual complications.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 60.0 KB)
2. The LSS Feasibility CT Screening Data dataset contains data related to SCT findings, tumor locations, study year.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 182.4 KB)
3. The LSS Feasibility Person Data dataset contains trial demographic, screening, cancer, death, and follow-up variables.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 49.9 KB)
4. The LSS Feasibility Procedure Data dataset contains individual procedure codes, study year, biopsy stuatus.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 64.2 KB)
5. The LSS Feasibility Xray ScreeningData dataset contains data related to Xray findings, tumor locations, study year.