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The following IDATA ASA24 dataset(s) are available for delivery on CDAS. For each dataset, a Data Dictionary that describes the data is publicly available. In order to obtain the actual data in SAS or CSV format, you must begin a data-only request. Data will be delivered once the project is approved and data transfer agreements are completed.

To learn more about the ASA24 data collected as part of the study, visit the IDATA ASA24 documentation page.

Datasets and Data Dictionaries

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 200.4 KB)
1. The ASA24 Accounting dataset (1,082 records for 1,082 participants) contains one record per participant and provides a summary of who has ASA24 data.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 223.6 KB)
2. The ASA24 Individual Foods dataset (109,493 records for 994 participants) contains FNDDS food codes, gram weights and nutrients for each food reported.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 224.3 KB)
3. The ASA24 Individual Foods All Attempts dataset (115,138 records for 998 participants) contains FNDDS food codes, gram weights and nutrients for each food reported.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 301.1 KB)
4. The ASA24 Individual Foods MyPyramid HEI dataset (109,493 records for 994 participants) contains FNDDS Food Codes, gram weights, MyPyramid Equivalents and HEI Whole Fruit variable.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 301.9 KB)
5. The ASA24 Individual Foods MyPyramid HEI All Attempts dataset (115,138 records for 998 participants) contains FNDDS Food Codes, gram weights, MyPyramid Equivalents and HEI Whole Fruit variable.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 207.4 KB)
6. The ASA24 Individual Supplements dataset (11,058 records for 829 participants) contains supplement codes with their nutrients – keeping only those nutrients which are related to the FNDDS.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 208.0 KB)
7. The ASA24 Individual Supplements All Attempts dataset (11,312 records for 829 participants) contains supplement codes with their nutrients – keeping only those nutrients which are related to the FNDDS.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 179.7 KB)
8. The ASA24 My Selections dataset (526,948 records for 994 participants) contains food and supplement names from the Quick List, probe questions and answers.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 180.1 KB)
9. The ASA24 My Selections All Attempts dataset (547,338 records for 998 participants) contains food and supplement names from the Quick List, probe questions and answers.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 209.9 KB)
10. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients dataset (5,244 records for 994 participants) contains FNDDS nutrients from all foods in a given day for each recall.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 211.6 KB)
11. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients All Attempts dataset (5,591 records for 998 participants) contains FNDDS nutrients from all foods in a given day for each recall.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 287.0 KB)
12. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients MyPyramid HEI dataset (5,255 records for 994 participants) contains FNDDS MyPyramid Equivalents and HEI Whole Fruit variable from all foods in a given day.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 288.1 KB)
13. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients MyPyramid HEI All Attempts dataset (5,591 records for 998 participants) contains FNDDS MyPyramid Equivalents and HEI Whole Fruit variable from all foods in a given day.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 211.2 KB)
14. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients from Foods and Supplements dataset (5,233 records for 992 participants) contains FNDDS nutrients from all foods and supplements reported in a given day.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 211.5 KB)
15. The ASA24 Daily Total Nutrients from Foods and Supplements All Attempts dataset (5,580 records for 996 participants) contains FNDDS nutrients from all foods and supplements reported in a given day.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 203.3 KB)
16. The ASA24 Daily Total Supplements dataset (3,521 records for 829 participants) contains total nutrients from all supplements reported in a given day – keeping only those ingredients which are related to the FNDSS.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 204.0 KB)
17. The ASA24 Daily Total Supplements All Attempts dataset (3,586 records for 829 participants) contains total nutrients from all supplements reported in a given day – keeping only those ingredients which are related to the FNDSS.