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The following IDATA ActivPAL dataset(s) are available for delivery on CDAS. For each dataset, a Data Dictionary that describes the data is publicly available. In order to obtain the actual data in SAS or CSV format, you must begin a data-only request. Data will be delivered once the project is approved and data transfer agreements are completed.

To learn more about the ActivPAL data collected as part of the study, visit the IDATA ActivPAL documentation page.

Datasets and Data Dictionaries

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 180.7 KB)
1. The ActivPAL TEAL 15-Second Epoch Data dataset (104,342,512 records for 931 participants) contains one record per 15-second epoch.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 177.8 KB)
2. The ActivPAL TEAL Activity Event Data dataset (47,698,556 records for 931 participants) contains one record per activity event.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 62.0 KB)
3. The ActivPAL TEAL Accounting dataset (1,082 records for 1,082 participants) contains one record per participant provides a summary of who has ActivPAL data.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 48.3 KB)
4. The ActivPAL CREA 15-Second Epoch Data dataset (103,707,064 records records for 931 participants) contains one record per 15-second epoch.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 49.2 KB)
5. The ActivPAL CREA Activity Event Data dataset (48,981,663 records records for 931 participants) contains one record per activity event.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 97.2 KB)
6. The ActivPAL CREA Admin Summary Data dataset (1,691 records records for 931 participants) contains one record per administration.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 93.0 KB)
7. The ActivPAL CREA Day Summary Data dataset (23,679 records records for 931 participants) contains one record per day.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 65.9 KB)
8. The ActivPAL CREA Accounting dataset (1,082 records for 1,082 participants) contains one record per participant provides a summary of who has ActivPAL data.