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Phase IIB Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of ACTOplus Met® XR in Subjects with Stage I-IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx Prior to Definitive Treatment

The following datasets contain the data available for EPPT UWI2016-07-01. The description and documentation for each file is listed below. SAS7bdat and CSV versions of the actual data will be available to CDAS projects approved to use this study's data.

Analysis Datasets

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 583.9 KB)
1. The Enhanced Person dataset contains all information relevant for most analyses. Each record represents one person and contains updated variable names, formats, and labels. All information coming from non-person-based datasets has been converted into a person-based format.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 120.5 KB)
2. The Adverse Events dataset contains adverse event information, including onset date, grade of severity, attribution to the study agent, and outcome. This version of the dataset includes updated variable names, formats, and labels.

Raw Datasets

These 42 datasets contain the raw form data received, excluding PII.

+ Show these datasets

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 117.2 KB)
1. The Abnormal Lab Tests dataset contains any abnormal results reported for lab tests taken by the participant.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 135.9 KB)
2. The Adverse Events dataset contains adverse events that occurred during the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 128.3 KB)
3. The Agent Interruptions dataset contains number of and reason for agent interruptions.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 124.3 KB)
4. The Agent Modifications dataset contains agent dosage modifications.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 139.0 KB)
5. The Alcohol Assessment (Baseline v2.1) dataset contains the answers to the alcohol assessment questionnaire completed at the baseline visit (protocol version 2.1 only)
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 142.0 KB)
6. The Alcohol Assessment (Baseline v3.2, 4.1) dataset contains the answers to the alcohol assessment questionnaire completed at the baseline visit (protocol versions 3.2 and 4.1 only)
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 130.3 KB)
7. The Alcohol Assessment (Follow-up) dataset contains the answers to the alcohol assessment questionnaire completed at the end of study visit
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 128.3 KB)
8. The Baseline Symptoms dataset contains unusual symptoms participant experienced before starting the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 132.4 KB)
9. The Blood Chemistry dataset contains results of blood chemistry tests and whether or not they were abnormal/out of range.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 130.3 KB)
10. The Compliance (Dataset 1) dataset contains compliance with study criteria for 5 of the 6 participants.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 134.3 KB)
11. The Compliance (Dataset 2) dataset contains compliance with study criteria for 1 of the 6 participants.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 131.2 KB)
12. The Concomitant Medications dataset contains information about concomitant medications taken during the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 125.7 KB)
13. The Contact dataset contains contact dates and times.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 149.3 KB)
14. The Exclusion (Dataset 1) dataset contains exclusion criteria for 14 of the 16 people registered for the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 149.1 KB)
15. The Exclusion (Dataset 2) dataset contains exclusion criteria for 2 of the 16 people registered for the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 141.6 KB)
16. The Inclusion (Dataset 1) dataset contains inclusion criteria for 4 of the 16 people registered for the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.6 KB)
17. The Inclusion (Dataset 2) dataset contains inclusion criteria for 10 of the 16 people registered for the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.5 KB)
18. The Inclusion (Dataset 3) dataset contains inclusion criteria for 2 of the 16 people registered for the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 128.0 KB)
19. The Intervention Administration dataset contains study agent intervention administration information.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 123.7 KB)
20. The Lab Tests dataset contains blood chemistry and hematology lab test results.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 116.5 KB)
21. The Maximum Adverse Events dataset contains summary of maximum values of adverse events experienced by the participant.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 117.5 KB)
22. The Maximum Adverse Events per Body System dataset contains summary of maximum values of adverse events experienced per body system.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 124.8 KB)
23. The Medical History (Dataset 1) dataset contains any allergies the participant may have.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 120.6 KB)
24. The Medical History (Dataset 2) dataset contains any history of abnormality per body system.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 119.6 KB)
25. The Medical History (Dataset 3) dataset contains any history of abnormality in other body system not in medhist2.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 131.1 KB)
26. The Minimum dataset contains location and payment information.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 129.0 KB)
27. The Off Study dataset contains date and reason off study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 136.5 KB)
28. The Pathologic Characteristics dataset contains pathologic characteristics.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 143.8 KB)
29. The Physical Examination (Dataset 1) dataset contains vitals taken at each study visit.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 122.0 KB)
30. The Physical Examination (Dataset 2) dataset contains reports of any body system abnormality at each study visit.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 124.4 KB)
31. The Pregnancy Specimen dataset contains pregnancy test details (No pregnancies in study).
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 127.3 KB)
32. The Randomization dataset contains randomization information.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 133.0 KB)
33. The Registration dataset contains demographic and consent data.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 126.3 KB)
34. The Screening dataset contains screening questions and comments.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 127.5 KB)
35. The Specimen Information (Blood) dataset contains information about blood samples taken during the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 128.4 KB)
36. The Specimen Information (Tissue) dataset contains information about tissue samples taken during the study.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 113.2 KB)
37. The Status dataset contains compliance and agent interruption.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.7 KB)
38. The Tobacco Assessment (Baseline v2.1) dataset contains the answers to the tobacco assessment questionnaire completed at the baseline visit (protocol version 2.1 only)
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 148.7 KB)
39. The Tobacco Assessment (Baseline v3.2, 4.1) dataset contains the answers to the tobacco assessment questionnaire completed at the baseline visit (protocol versions 3.2 and 4.1 only)
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 138.0 KB)
40. The Tobacco Assessment (Follow-up) dataset contains the answers to the tobacco assessment questionnaire completed at the end of study visit
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 122.7 KB)
41. The Verification dataset contains investigator’s signing off on forms.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 119.4 KB)
42. The Vitals dataset contains participant anthropometry and treatment information.