Browse EPPT > MDA2013-01-01
A Randomized Phase II Trial of Low Dose Aspirin Versus Placebo in High-Risk Individuals With CT-Detected Subsolid Lung Nodules
The following datasets contain the data available for EPPT MDA2013-01-01. The description and documentation for each file is listed below. SAS7bdat and CSV versions of the actual data will be available to CDAS projects approved to use this study's data.
Analysis Datasets
Files | Description |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 785.3 KB) |
1. The Enhanced Person dataset contains all information relevant for most analyses. Each record represents one participant and contains updated variable names, formats, and labels. All information coming from non-person-based datasets has been converted into a person-based format. |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 168.2 KB) |
2. The Adverse Events dataset includes updated variable names, formats, and labels. |
Raw Datasets
These 51 datasets contain the raw form data received, excluding PII.
Files | Description |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 172.8 KB) |
1. The adverseevents dataset contains adverse event information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.8 KB) |
2. The aeandconmedeval dataset contains concomitant medication and adverse event information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 163.3 KB) |
3. The agentinterrupt dataset contains agent interruption reasons and details |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 166.7 KB) |
4. The agentmodification dataset contains agent modification reasons and details |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 166.7 KB) |
5. The basemedsurghist dataset contains medical and surgical histories of body systems |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.7 KB) |
6. The basesymptoms dataset contains symptoms experienced at baseline |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 173.3 KB) |
7. The bioptissuehist dataset contains tissue biopsy information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.0 KB) |
8. The bloodchemistry dataset contains blood chemistry test resuslts |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.3 KB) |
9. The bloodspecimen dataset contains blood specimen results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 159.7 KB) |
10. The comments dataset contains general comments |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 173.9 KB) |
11. The compliance dataset contains general study compliance information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.6 KB) |
12. The compliancedruglabels dataset contains agent compliance information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 172.1 KB) |
13. The compliancephoneinterview dataset contains phone interview compliance information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.5 KB) |
14. The conmeds dataset contains concomitant medication information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 172.5 KB) |
15. The ctscannewlesions dataset contains CT scan new lesions information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 166.8 KB) |
16. The ctscannontargetlesions dataset contains CT scan non-target lesions information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 166.8 KB) |
17. The ctscannontargetlesionsv12 dataset contains CT scan non-target lesions information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 167.0 KB) |
18. The ctscannontargetmth3_6_12 dataset contains CT scan non-target lesions information for month 3, 6, and 12 |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 166.8 KB) |
19. The ctscannontargetv12mth3_6_12 dataset contains CT scan non-target lesions information for month 3, 6, and 12 |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 168.3 KB) |
20. The ctscantargetlesions dataset contains CT scan target lesions information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 169.0 KB) |
21. The ctscantargetlesionsv14 dataset contains CT scan target lesions information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 168.5 KB) |
22. The ctscantargetmth3_6_12 dataset contains CT scan target lesions information for month 3, 6, and 12 |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 170.1 KB) |
23. The ctscantargetv14mth3_6_12 dataset contains CT scan target lesions information for month 3, 6, and 12 |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.7 KB) |
24. The demographics dataset contains participant demographics information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 162.0 KB) |
25. The eligibilityverification dataset contains participant eligibility verification information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.1 KB) |
26. The exclusioncriteriaprev12 dataset contains exclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 160.1 KB) |
27. The exclusioncriteriav12 dataset contains exclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 161.9 KB) |
28. The finalctscansummaryv12_06212016 dataset contains final CT scan summary information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.0 KB) |
29. The hematology1 dataset contains contains hematology test results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.9 KB) |
30. The hematology2 dataset contains contains hematology test results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 160.0 KB) |
31. The inclusioncriteriaprev8 dataset contains inclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 160.1 KB) |
32. The inclusioncriteriav12 dataset contains inclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 160.1 KB) |
33. The inclusioncriteriav13 dataset contains inclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 159.6 KB) |
34. The inclusioncriteriav8 dataset contains inclusion criteria information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 162.3 KB) |
35. The interventionadmin dataset contains intervention and admin information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 163.4 KB) |
36. The mirna dataset contains miRNA information and results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.5 KB) |
37. The offstudy dataset contains information about when and why a participant exited the study |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 163.7 KB) |
38. The otherlabtests dataset contains information about other lab tests that were performed |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 178.8 KB) |
39. The physicalexam dataset contains anthropometry and physical examination information of different body systems |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.0 KB) |
40. The pregnancyspecimendata dataset contains pregnancy test information and results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 168.9 KB) |
41. The randomization dataset contains general information pertinent to the participants randomization |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 174.4 KB) |
42. The registration dataset contains participant registration information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.0 KB) |
43. The researchblood dataset contains blood test sample information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.1 KB) |
44. The researchbloodmonth6 dataset contains blood test sample information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.0 KB) |
45. The researchurine dataset contains urine test sample information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 164.2 KB) |
46. The researchurinemonth6 dataset contains urine test sample information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 162.3 KB) |
47. The telephonecontact dataset contains telephone contact information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 183.1 KB) |
48. The tobaccoassessment dataset contains results of the tobacco assessment |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 165.8 KB) |
49. The unblind dataset contains study unblinding information |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 163.3 KB) |
50. The urinespecimen dataset contains urine specimen results |
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 159.8 KB) |
51. The verification dataset contains participant verification information |
Trial Summary
This study was performed to determine the effect of low dose aspirin on subsolid (non-solid or partially solid) lung nodules. 98 volunteers were randomized and 89 completed the study. Compliance to the treatment was high with a 76% adherence through the trial.
Aspirin was administered to the volunteers in a dose of 100mg tablet every day or matched placebo for 1 year.
The study concluded that there is no effect of low dose aspirin on the sum of diameters, volume, or density of target lesions. Urinary PGEM was significantly reduced by the low dose aspirin treatment, Thromboxane B2 is a reliable biomarker for assessing compliance, and one year of treatment with low dose aspirin is well tolerated by healthy at risk subjects.
Randomized trial with two arms:
- Arms
- Arm I: Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) 100 mg tablet daily for 1 year.
- Arm II: Placebo 100 mg tablet daily for 1 year.
Study Eligibility:
Ages Eligible for Study: | 50+ Years |
Sexes Eligible for Study: | Male and Female |
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: | No |
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: | (see "Eligibility" tab) |
Enrollment Statistics
Expected Enrollment: 128
Actual Enrollment: 109
- 98 participants randomized
- 11 not randomized (ineligible, non-persistency of target nodule, comorbidity or concomitant medications)
- 45 aspirin compliance measured by thromboxane at 6 months (45 of 49)
- 37 aspirin compliance measured by thromboxane at 12 months (37 of 49)
Total Study Population Demographics (98 Randomized and Eligible People):
- Age (years):
- Mean: 64.7
- Range: 57 - 78
- Median: 65
- Height (cm):
- Mean: 168
- IQR: 160 - 173
- Range: 150 - 197
- Median: 168
- Weight (kg):
- Mean: 69
- IQR: 60 - 79
- Range: 14 - 101
- Median: 68
- Sex
- Females: 55 (56.1%)
- Males: 43 (43.9%)
Final Analysis Population: 98
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
- Asymptomatic current or former smokers (having stopped within the last 20 years)
- Smoking history >= 20 pack/years; subjects must be included in an ongoing annual screening with low dose CT scan or must have two consecutive CT outside the context of a screening program confirming subsolid nodules
- Subjects must have subsolid (non-solid or partially solid) nodules with size between 4 and 10 mm with any volume doubling time (VDT) not candidate to surgical excision and/or subsolid (non solid or partially solid) nodule larger than 10 mm with VDT higher than 400 days and not candidate to surgical excision
- All nodules should be persistent at least after three months follow up with 1 dimension (1d)-CT; a reduction up to 15% of the diameter of the largest target nodule from the previous CT scan is allowed
- All current smokers should accept to receive support for smoking cessation
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status =< 1 (Karnofsky >= 70%)
- Leukocytes >= 3,000/microliter
- Absolute neutrophil count >= 1,500/microliter
- Platelets >= 100,000/microliter
- Total bilirubin =< 2 X institutional upper limit of normal (ULN) and/or history of Gilbert's syndrome
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT])/alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase [SGPT]) =< 1.5 x institutional ULN
- Serum creatinine =< institutional ULN
- Women of child-bearing potential (from first menstruation to 1 year after last menstruation) must agree to use adequate contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) prior to study entry and for the duration of study participation; should a woman become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant while participating in this study, she should inform her study physician immediately
- Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document
- Signed informed consent
Exclusion Criteria
- Subjects with chronic treatment (at least twice/week for more than 3 months) with aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- History of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of similar chemical or biological composition to aspirin, NSAIDs, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) inhibitors
- Invasive malignancy (with the exclusion of basal cell carcinoma or skin squamous cell carcinoma) diagnosed during the last 2 years before randomization; stage I-II invasive malignancies that were diagnosed more than 2 years prior to randomization and have been treated curatively are allowed as long as all treatment is finished at least 18 months prior to randomization
- History of therapeutic doses of anticoagulants including warfarin and low molecular weight heparin (e.g. for prior deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms) in the preceding year
- Uncontrolled intercurrent illness including, but not limited to, ongoing or active infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, or psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with study requirements
- Pregnant women are excluded from this study; breastfeeding should be discontinued if the mother is treated with aspirin
- Individual may not be receiving any other investigational agents, antiplatelet agents (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel [Plavix or others]), anticoagulants (e.g. heparin or heparinoids, Coumadin, or others), methotrexate, lithium
- Participants with bleeding diathesis, history of gastric/duodenal ulcers in the last 5 years, NSAID-precipitated bronchospasm, patients unwilling or unable to limit alcohol consumption to i.e. =< 3 alcohol drinks a day
- Participants who in the opinion of the principal investigator (PI) will be at higher risk of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)-related complications
- Participants with known inability to adequately absorb oral medication
The Schema is a timeline of the study. It indicates start/end points, visits expected, major testing to be done, and any other information that is crucial to understanding how the study was completed.
Study Schema
Asymptomatic potential participants are contacted by phone for a Base CT scan and additional eligibility assessment. If participants have the desired results then they move onward in the trial to their baseline visit. At the baseline visit participants fill out a consent form, medical history, and additional assessments. Once participants pass the baseline visit they are randomized and either take Aspirin or a placebo daily for 12 months. During treatment participants receive telephone contact for toxicity assessments, concomitant medications, and compliance checks at month 1, 3, 9, and 12. Participants also have a clinic visit with additional assessments at month 6 and 12. The final follow-up CT scan for participants is at the end of treatment ends in month 12. Final follow-up is 1 month later and consists of a toxicity assessment and concomitant medications.

There was no difference in the sum of the longest diameters of target nodules nor in subgroup analyses by individual characteristics or nodule type between the two study arms. The trial was too small and of too short duration to assess the effect of aspirin on cancer development. The development of different and more appropriate intermediate endpoints to use to assess preliminary efficacy in lung cancer prevention trials remains challenging.
Low-Dose Aspirin in High-Risk Individuals With Screen-Detected Subsolid Lung Nodules: A Randomized Phase II Trial.
Bonanni B, Serrano D, Maisonneuve P, Veronesi G, Johansson H, Aristarco V, Varricchio C, Cazzaniga M, Lazzeroni M, Rampinelli C, Bellomi M, Vecchi M, Spaggiari L, Vornik L, Brown PH, Beavers T, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Szabo E
JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2020 Dec; Volume 4 (Issue 6): Pages pkaa096 PUBMED