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Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of MUC1 Vaccine in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Adenomas

The Schema is a timeline of the study. It indicates start/end points, visits expected, major testing to be done, and any other information that is crucial to understanding how the study was completed.

Schema Description

Following informed consent and eligibility confirmation, participants were evaluated at baseline by conducting their physical exam, recording their medical and surgical histories, symptoms, concomitant medications, colonoscopy, and collection of blood information. Participants were then registered and randomized in either of the two arms; MUC1 vaccine or saline solution injections at week 0, 2, and 10. The participants then had a titer collection at week 12, telephone monitoring at weeks 16, 28, and 40, and another titer collection at week 52. A booster MUC1 vaccine or saline solution injection was given at week 53. Another titer collection occurred at week 55. For weeks 57 through 156, participants were monitored for adenoma recurrence, monitored by telephone every 6 months, and had a final titer collection and colonoscopy near year 3.