NLST Publications
Here you can browse the complete list of publications for NLST
Title | PubMed | Authors | Journal | Year | Studies |
Culturally sensitive approaches to recruitment and retention of Hispanics in the national lung screening trial. | 23780349 | Tenorio SL, O'Donnell CI, Hernandez J, Rozjabek HM, Lynch D, Marcus PM | J Immigr Minor Health | 2014 | NLST |
Overdiagnosis in low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer. | 24322569 | Patz EF, Pinsky P, Gatsonis C, Sicks JD, Kramer BS, Tammemägi MC, Chiles C, Black WC, Aberle DR, NLST Overdiagnosis Manuscript Writing Team | JAMA Intern Med | 2014 | NLST |
National Lung Screening Trial findings by age: Medicare-eligible versus under-65 population. | 25199624 | Pinsky PF, Gierada DS, Hocking W, Patz EF, Kramer BS | Ann. Intern. Med. | 2014 | NLST |
Randomization to screening for prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian cancers and thyroid cancer incidence in two large cancer screening trials. | 25192282 | O'Grady TJ, Kitahara CM, DiRienzo AG, Boscoe FP, Gates MA | PLoS ONE | 2014 | NLST, PLCO |
The impact of the regimen of screening on lung cancer cure: a comparison of I-ELCAP and NLST. | 25089376 | Yip R, Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Boffetta P, Smith JP, International Early Lung Cancer Investigators | Eur. J. Cancer Prev. | 2014 | NLST |
Impact of lung cancer screening results on participant health-related quality of life and state anxiety in the National Lung Screening Trial. | 25065710 | Gareen IF, Duan F, Greco EM, Snyder BS, Boiselle PM, Park ER, Fryback D, Gatsonis C | Cancer | 2014 | NLST |
Bladder cancer risk: Use of the PLCO and NLST to identify a suitable screening cohort. | 25044253 | Krabbe LM, Svatek RS, Shariat SF, Messing E, Lotan Y | Urol. Oncol. | 2014 | NLST, PLCO |
Comparing benefits from many possible computed tomography lung cancer screening programs: extrapolating from the National Lung Screening Trial using comparative modeling. | 24979231 | McMahon PM, Meza R, Plevritis SK, Black WC, Tammemagi CM, Erdogan A, ten Haaf K, Hazelton W, Holford TR, Jeon J, Clarke L, Kong CY, Choi SE, Munshi VN, Han SS, van Rosmalen J, Pinsky PF, Moolgavkar S, de Koning HJ, Feuer EJ | PLoS ONE | 2014 | NLST |
CT screening for lung cancer: alternative definitions of positive test result based on the national lung screening trial and international early lung cancer action program databases. | 24955929 | Yip R, Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Smith JP | Radiology | 2014 | NLST |
Impact of lung cancer screening results on smoking cessation. | 24872540 | Tammemägi MC, Berg CD, Riley TL, Cunningham CR, Taylor KL | J. Natl. Cancer Inst. | 2014 | NLST |
Short- and long-term lung cancer risk associated with noncalcified nodules observed on low-dose CT. | 24755313 | Pinsky PF, Nath PH, Gierada DS, Sonavane S, Szabo E | Cancer Prev Res (Phila) | 2014 | NLST |
Comparative analysis of 5 lung cancer natural history and screening models that reproduce outcomes of the NLST and PLCO trials. | 24577803 | Meza R, ten Haaf K, Kong CY, Erdogan A, Black WC, Tammemagi MC, Choi SE, Jeon J, Han SS, Munshi V, van Rosmalen J, Pinsky P, McMahon PM, de Koning HJ, Feuer EJ, Hazelton WD, Plevritis SK | Cancer | 2014 | NLST, PLCO |
Benefits and harms of computed tomography lung cancer screening strategies: a comparative modeling study for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. | 24379002 | de Koning HJ, Meza R, Plevritis SK, ten Haaf K, Munshi VN, Jeon J, Erdogan SA, Kong CY, Han SS, van Rosmalen J, Choi SE, Pinsky PF, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Berg CD, Black WC, Tammemägi MC, Hazelton WD, Feuer EJ, McMahon PM | Ann. Intern. Med. | 2014 | NLST |
A qualitative study of lung cancer risk perceptions and smoking beliefs among national lung screening trial participants. | 23999653 | Park ER, Streck JM, Gareen IF, Ostroff JS, Hyland KA, Rigotti NA, Pajolek H, Nichter M | Nicotine Tob. Res. | 2014 | NLST |
Evaluation of the lung cancer risks at which to screen ever- and never-smokers: screening rules applied to the PLCO and NLST cohorts. | 25460915 | Tammemägi MC, Church TR, Hocking WG, Silvestri GA, Kvale PA, Riley TL, Commins J, Berg CD | PLoS Med. | 2014 | NLST, PLCO |
Cost-effectiveness of CT screening in the National Lung Screening Trial. | 25372087 | Black WC, Gareen IF, Soneji SS, Sicks JD, Keeler EB, Aberle DR, Naeim A, Church TR, Silvestri GA, Gorelick J, Gatsonis C, National Lung Screening Trial Research Team | N. Engl. J. Med. | 2014 | NLST |
Projected outcomes using different nodule sizes to define a positive CT lung cancer screening examination. | 25326638 | Gierada DS, Pinsky P, Nath H, Chiles C, Duan F, Aberle DR | J. Natl. Cancer Inst. | 2014 | NLST |
Results of initial low-dose computed tomographic screening for lung cancer. | 23697514 | National Lung Screening Trial Research Team, Church TR, Black WC, Aberle DR, Berg CD, Clingan KL, Duan F, Fagerstrom RM, Gareen IF, Gierada DS, Jones GC, Mahon I, Marcus PM, Sicks JD, Jain A, Baum S | N. Engl. J. Med. | 2013 | NLST |
National lung screening trial: variability in nodule detection rates in chest CT studies. | 23592767 | Pinsky PF, Gierada DS, Nath PH, Kazerooni E, Amorosa J | Radiology | 2013 | NLST |
Selection criteria for lung-cancer screening. | 23425165 | Tammemägi MC, Katki HA, Hocking WG, Church TR, Caporaso N, Kvale PA, Chaturvedi AK, Silvestri GA, Riley TL, Commins J, Berg CD | N. Engl. J. Med. | 2013 | NLST |